Network Information Management
Information Management Committee
The LTER Information Management Committee (IMC) is an LTER network-wide standing committee as described in the Long Term Ecological Research Network Bylaws. IMC provides a forum where information managers from all the LTER sites work collectively. The LTER Information Management Committee is responsible for leadership and co-ordination of information management activities across sites that support LTER Network goals. The IMC works collectively to balance responses to immediate needs with long-term planning. The IMC works with various partners at multiple levels, e.g. site, network, organizational, community, and international.
Network Communications Office (NCO)
The new Network Communications Office began managing synthesis working groups and other Network communication and coordination activities.
Environmental Data Initiative
The Environmental Data Initiative is an NSF-funded project accelerating curation and archive of environmental data, emphasizing data from projects funded by the NSF DEB. Programs served include, but are not limited to, Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB), Organization for Biological Field Stations (OBFS), Macrosystems Biology (MSB), and Long Term Ecological Research (LTER).