Bonanza Creek Symposium, 2013

Permafrost and Hydrology

Organized by Ted Schuur and Jay Jones.

Pike's Waterfront Lodge - Fairbanks, Alaska

February 15, 2013


Friday, February 15, 2013

8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Jay Jones and Ted Schuur - Symposium overview and goals
8:50 Vladimir Romanovsky - Permafrost and fire
9:10 Ted Schuur - Permafrost thaw and upland ecosystem functioning
9:30 Merritt Turetsky - Permafrost thaw and wetland ecosystem functioning
9:50 Jay Jones - Permafrost, watersheds, and streams

10:10 Coffee

10:30 Bob Bolton - Hydrologic research in the CPCRW
10:45 Tamara Harms - Land-water interactions and nitrogen cycling
11:00 Anna Liljedahl - Hydrologic research in interior Alaska and beyond
11:15 Tom Douglas - Seasonal controls on biogeochemopermafrosto dynamics in rivers of Alaska
11:30 Jen Harden - Carbon in permafrost landscapes: what's down with the underground

12:00 Lunch Provided by Pikes

1:30 Ted Schuur - Overview of afternoon breakout session
1:45 Break out groups
Consequences of changing permafrost and hydrology
Integration of permafrost and hydrologic research

3:15 Coffee

3:45 Break-out group reports and suggestions for monthly meetings

5:00 Poster session

6:30 Dinner

Saturday, February 16, 2013

8:30 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Jamie Hollingsworth - State of Site Management at BNZ LTER
9:20 Jason Downing - State of Data Management at BNZ LTER
9:40 Christa Mulder - Citizen Science Program
        Elena Sparrow - Education and Outreach
10:00 Gary Kofinas - Social-Ecological Dynamics

10:20 Coffee Break

10:30 Jay Jones - Update on NEON
10:40 Alison York - Alaska Fire Science Consortium
11:00 April Melvin and Helene Genet - Indicators of State Change and Forecasting Future Vulnerability
11:15 Roger Ruess - Site visit planning and discussion

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Roger Ruess - Update on the New Site Network
1:30 Jay Jones - Overview of afternoon breakout session
Turetsky Group
Johnstone/Chapin Group
Juday Group
1:45 Break out groups

3:15 Coffee

3:45 Break-out group reports and suggestions for monthly meetings

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